To Our Members
June 26, 2023
I want to thank you for your patience over the last couple of months as we work through this transition process. While the transition is not as fast as any of us would like, we are navigating the challenges as best and as quickly as we can and want to keep all members regularly updated.
Allow me to update you on a few items:
- RCH continues to provide safe water for the system. All required testing and treatment procedures continue to be performed to ensure you have safe drinking water.
- RCH remains cautious about sufficient water supply for this summer and urges each of you to continue to conserve and use water efficiently. Rockwall, RCH’s source of water, has made it clear that RCH’s contractual limits for water supply will be enforced. The daily usage recommendations are updated on RCH’s website. If needed, RCH’s Board will act to increase the water restrictions should water supply shortages continue this summer.
- Meters are being read this week. Once we have the meter reads, RCH will be sending out bills. For those who you have been making payments, those payments will be applied to the bills. Unfortunately, online payments or automatic drafting are not available at this time. Payments can be dropped off at the RCH Drop Box located outside of McLendon-Chisholm City Hall, 1371 West FM 550, McLendon-Chisholm, Texas 75032. RCH plans to obtain a new PO Box in the near future and will update the website and billing information once this occurs.
- Financially, all of RCH’s bills continue to be paid on time. The delay in billing has had no impact on RCH’s ability to make payments.
- RCH’s next scheduled Board Meeting is next week (July 5). The agenda will be posted later this week along with the location.
- Please continue to monitor this site for additional updates.