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Conservation Tips

The NTMWD is encouraging customers to actively manage and conserve landscape watering.  Customers may sign up for free weekly watering advice customized for your location and sent to your email or phone at WaterMyYard.

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RCH Take Point Project Update: Major Milestones Reached and Construction Phases Ahead

October 03, 2024

Dear RCH Members,

I am pleased to share the latest RCH Take Point and Pump Station project update. Our team continues to make steady progress, and several significant milestones have been reached. Below are some key achievements from the project timeline, including the details of upcoming work packages and phases. We will continue to work with Felix Construction to explore opportunities for speeding up the process wherever possible.

Completion of the CMAR Procurement Schedule

The CMAR procurement phase has been finalized, with the Request for Proposal (RFP) issued on March 19, 2024. Proposals were submitted by April 18, 2024, and interviews were conducted on April 26, 2024. The...

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